• Dandenong Presbyterian Church

A brief history

The Dandenong Presbyterian Church forms part of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria. It has continued in its original national constitution of 1901 with its Reformed heritage of faith and practice.

The Dandenong congregation was dispossessed and lost its property and church building with the move to union in 1977. A small number of the original church members continued as Presbyterians in rented premises for many years, even though the numbers were small and the work difficult. In the providence of God, they were able to purchase the church building and property we are currently in.

God has continued to bless the work and efforts of the church and church members over many years, with growth and development through his grace and mercy.

It has been and always will remain the desire of the Dandenong Presbyterian church to glorify God in the richness he has given to us in and through Jesus Christ as both Redeemer and Lord. We will look to him for the grace sufficient for the tasks he has called us to, both now and in the future.