Children at Dandenong

Children are an important part of our church family.  Our prayer is that our children would know, love and live for Jesus. Some of the ways we are doing that are:

Sunday Services

Sunday Services are not just for the "big" kids. God loves the "little" kids as well and they are invited to worship Him.
Here at Dandenong Presbyterian Church,  children are part of the church family and so we encourage parents, and children to worship together. Although some churches may have Sunday School or a kids talk during the service, we have our Sunday School after the service during the morning tea.

Since children remain in the service with their parents, they are encouraged worship as a family and to engage together with the service. Children are invited to sing along, to pray with us, to listen carefully to the bible and God's word preached. Although some parts of the service may seem only for the "big" kids, parents are encouraged to talk with their children about each segment of the service. 

We provide a 7-page activity boolet with a pencil case for children to use during the service. It includes activities related to the sermon and helps children engage with the service.

We have a small cry room available to settle children, and we have a church culture that encourages and supports parents as they raise their children. We LOVE the little voices and so please don't feel embarassed if you feel like your children are making alot of noise!

After the service, children from 0-5 years old are encouraged to join our short Sunday School program during morning tea. It is an opportunity for parents to grab a cuppa and engage with other members of the congregation while our volunteers provide an opportunity to grow in faith as they learn about Jesus through the Bible.

Visitors are always welcome. No previous experience or knowledge of Christianity is required. 
All leaders and volunteers adhere to the Presbyterian Church of Victoria’s Safe Church Policy and hold a valid Working With Children Check.


Play Group

We have a weekly playgroup that runs on Thursdays from 9:30 AM-11:00 AM during School Term for parents and children from 0-5 year old. It is a great opportunity for parents to connect with other parents and for children to have fun! Morning tea and toys are provided. Near the end of the playtime there will be a book read and songs. 

